Bear witness to the transformative power of change.

Benedict's SAGA by: Ovid Singh
Benedict’s SAGA

Is the Crow a Bad Bird? by: Ovid Singh
Is the Crow a Bad Bird?
Is the Crow a Bad Bird? is a children’s book depicting Rosemary and the crow fighting over the ribs she is cooking on a hot grill. The crow is shrewd and conniving, outwitting Rosemary at her own intelligence; he peed and pooped on the scarecrow, and laughed at her. The crow is good at what he does best, peep and peck.

Benedict and the Magic Chameleon by: Ovid Singh
Benedict and the Magic Chameleon

The First Encounter by: Ovid Singh
The First Encounter
Benedict at grandma’s house unknowingly encountered a chameleon wrapped up in its own thoughts. The unexplained chain of events that followed led to Benedict’s vacation be short-lived. Will Benedict survive the ordeal? About the Book David Omondi is a prolific writer and avid reader. His writings are inspired by African storytelling and forklore learned from his grandmother and mother while young. David grew up in a village where he came across a lot of animals in their habitat. The First Encounter was created by observing the chameleon.
Ovid Singh
Ovid Singh
Exhibitions/Book Fairs

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Children’s Book
Book stories are beautiful in any kind of setting especially when your reader is very appreciative. Gruesome killer stories can win the hearts of many who seek thrillers. However, writing can be tricky especially when you’re writing it for a crowd of thumb suckers....
Tips for Writing a Children’s Book
When we were kids, we used to hide under our blankets when the lights went out to avoid the monsters lurking under our beds. These monsters were introduced to us through beautiful stories which taught us a lot about life without us even realizing it. At such a young...
What Makes a Children’s Book Good?
As kids, we have our favorite books. We have spent countless hours imagining – bringing – the books' stories to life. We have thought about the characters' physical appearances, how beautiful or ugly the setting was, and how magical or plain and ordinary the world...